Sunday, December 21, 2008

Use of Biofuel for Powerplants

In order to accelerate the use of biofuel, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources have issued Ministerial Decree No. 32/2008 regarding the supply, use, and sale of Biofuel as an alternative form of energy. One example of this ministerial decree is the regulation on mandatory use of biofuel in the transportation, industry, commercial, and power sector until 2025, which is to be carried out in several phases. For powerplants, these phases include the use of biodiesel amounting to 20% and biofuel amounting to 10% towards the total needs of powerplants.

The Department of Energy and Mineral Resources through its Directorate General for Electricity and Energy Usage, in coordination with Neaue Maschinbeau Halberstadt GmBH (NMBH) have completed the converter installation needed for biofuel conversion of a 10 MW Diesel Power Plant powerplant in Riau. NMBH is a German private company which has carried out intensive research for conversion development and biofuel powerplant.

read more here

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves for Industrial Minerals

65. The clauses in this section of the Guide address matters that relate specifically to the Public Reporting of industrial minerals, stone and aggregates of all forms and other bulk commodities such as borates, talc, kaolin, etc. that are generally sold on the basis of their product specifications and market acceptance. Such factors as quality and marketability are therefore important and should be carefully considered before declaring Mineral Reserves. Unless otherwise stated, all other clauses in this Guide, including Figure 1 and Table 1, apply to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves for industrial minerals.
When reporting information and estimates for industrial minerals, the key principles and purpose of the Guide apply and should be borne in mind. Assays may not always be relevant, and other quality criteria may be more applicable. If criteria such as deleterious minerals or physical properties are of more relevance than the composition of the bulk mineral itself, then they should be reported accordingly. The factors underpinning the estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves for industrial minerals are the same as those for other deposit types covered by the Guide. It may be necessary, prior to the reporting of a Mineral Resource or Mineral Reserve, to take particular account of certain key characteristics or qualities such as likely product specifications, proximity to markets, and present access to market or ability to obtain access to market. For some industrial minerals, it is common practice to report the saleable product rather than the “asmined” product, which is traditionally regarded as the Mineral Reserve for base and precious metals and other minerals. It is important that, in all situations where the saleable product is reported, a clarifying statement is included to ensure that the reader is fully informed as to what is being reported. Some industrial mineral deposits may be capable of yielding products suitable for more than one application and/or specification. If considered material by the reporting entity, such multiple products should be quantified either separately or as a percentage of the bulk deposit.
66. With respect to modifying factors, the normal geological parameters may be less important in the case of industrial minerals, stone and aggregate. Such factors as quality, transportation, cost to markets, location and quality of competing reserves, and ability to compete with such reserves to access the market, are important and should be carefully considered before declaring Mineral Reserves.
67. As a general rule, a Mineral Reserve cannot be declared unless there are reasonable expectations that all permits, ancillary rights and authorizations required for mining can be obtained. For some minerals such as sand, gravel and aggregates, permitting requirements may be such that reasonable expectations can only be defined by comparison with competing reserves. When a deposit is scheduled to be mined at a date some distance in the future, declaration of a Mineral Reserve implies reasonable expectation at the time of reporting that the necessary permits could be obtained when needed.
68. Recommendations made in this Guide, that price assumptions and sensitivity to price changes be disclosed, may not apply to all industrial minerals.
Some industrial minerals are sold in a highly competitive local, national and/or international market. For business and legal reasons, disclosure of price assumptions may be detrimental to the interest of shareholders and may not be advisable. Other requirements concerning pricing which are included in the Guide are applicable to industrial minerals. This includes the requirement that prices be based on forward-looking estimates reflecting management’s reasonable and supportable short- and long-term expectations, and that justification for such prices be documented.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Reporting of Exploration Results for Coal, Coal Resources and Coal Reserves

59. The clauses in this section of the Guide address matters that relate specifically to the Public Reporting of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves for coal. Coal is generally sold on the basis of product specifications and market acceptance. Such factors as quality and marketability are therefore important and should be carefully considered before declaring coal resources or coal reserves. Unless otherwise stated, all other clauses in this Guide, including Figure 1 and Table 1, apply to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves for coal.
When reporting information and estimates for coal deposits, the key principles and purpose of the Guide apply and should be borne in mind. Because of coal specific characteristics – including geological continuity over large areas, the strategic value of controlling very long term reserves, and product pricing highly dependent on deposit location and coal quality – the most significant requirements which must be satisfied before a resource or a reserve is declared are not necessarily the same for coal as they are for other minerals.

60. The terms ‘Mineral Resource’ and ‘Mineral Reserve’, and the subdivisions of these
terms as illustrated on Figure 1, apply also to coal reporting, but if preferred by the reporting entity, the terms ‘Coal Resource’ and ‘Coal Reserve’ and the appropriate subdivisions may be substituted.
When assessing criteria listed in this Guide which may be applicable to coal, the term ‘grade’ should generally be considered equivalent to ‘coal quality’.

61. As for all minerals, it is the responsibility of the Competent Person to determine in
each particular situation which specific requirement must be satisfied before a Coal Resource or a Coal Reserve can be declared. The Competent Person should determine which evaluation criteria in Table 1 are applicable, which additional evaluation criteria should be taken into account if any, and the materiality of such criteria.
Many criteria listed in Table 1 which may be critical to the evaluation of other mineral deposits, such as base metals or precious metals, will not apply to the evaluation of coal deposits. Such criteria as coal quality, cost to markets including transportation cost, location and quality of competing coal reserves, and ability to compete with such reserves to access the market, are important and should be carefully considered before declaring a Coal Reserve. Geological similarity between neighboring coal deposits can greatly simplify demonstration of a new Coal Resource, as well as reduce the technical and economic study requirements needed to demonstrate a Coal Reserve next to an operating mine. Geological similarity must be demonstrated by means of drill holes, mapping or other deposit-specific geoscientific evidence to a suitable level of confidence required to declare Measured and/or Indicated Resources. Mere inference of the continuity of coal thickness and quality from an operating mine onto a neighboring block or property is not sufficient to declare Measured and Indicated Resources and subsequently a Reserve.
Demonstration of geological similarity or analogy with an operating mine is usually not sufficient to demonstrate technical and economic feasibility. Factors such as access to the deposit and permitting constraints are likely to be project specific. It is the responsibility of the Competent Person to ascertain that there is sufficient information to demonstrate geological similarity and to determine which additional factors must be taken into account to demonstrate technical and economic feasibility with a reasonable level of confidence . When a coal deposit is scheduled to be mined at a date some distance in the future, declaration of a Coal Reserve implies reasonable expectation at the time of reporting that the necessary permits could be obtained as needed.

62. Coal Resources and Coal Reserves should be reported as saleable product, either as
run-of-mine coal or washed coal.
For coal deposits, it is common practice to report a saleable product rather than the “as mined” product
which is traditionally regarded as the Mineral Reserve for most other minerals. It is important that a clarifying statement is included to ensure that the reader is fully informed as to what is being reported. Some coal deposits may be capable of yielding products suitable for more than one application and/or specification. If considered material by the reporting entity, such multiple products should be quantified and reported.

63. Coal Resources and Coal Reserves should be reported as Assigned or Unassigned.
Assigned coal is coal that has been committed by the coal company to operating mine shafts, mining equipment, and plant facilities, and all coal which has been leased by the company to others. Unassigned coal represents coal that has not been committed, and which would require new mine shafts, mining equipment, or plant facilities before operations could begin on the property. The primary reason for this distinction is to inform investors which coal will require substantial capital investments before production can begin. Coal which has been leased to another company or is leased from another company must be disclosed separately.

64. Recommendations made in this Guide, that price assumptions and sensitivity to price
changes be disclosed, do not apply to coal.

Coal is being sold in a highly competitive national and international market. Price disclosure can be viewed as price signaling and interpreted as anticompetitive. For business and legal reasons, disclosure of price assumptions made when estimating Coal Resources and Coal Reserves may be detrimental to the interest of shareholders and is usually not advisable. Other requirements concerning pricing which are included in the Guide are applicable to coal. This includes the requirement that prices be based on forward-looking estimates reflecting management’s reasonable and supportable short- and long-term expectations, and that justification for such prices be documented.

For Figure 1 and Table 1 see in: The SME Guide For Reporting Exploration Result, mineral, Resources, and Mineral reserves (The 2007SME Guide):

Monday, November 3, 2008





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Wednesday, September 24, 2008


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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Nama : Pangaloan Siahaan, ST (MAPPI Cert)
Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Tapanuli Utara, 11 Agustus 1970
Alamat : Jl. Maharta IV Blok A15/No. 07, Pondok Maharta, Pondok Kancang Timur, Pondok Aren, Tangerang – Banten, Tel: 08170700086
Pendidikan : Sarjana Tehnik Pertambangan, ITB
Organisasi Profesional : MAPPI 01-S-01395
Pengalaman Penilai : 11 Tahun